
Neurex coordinates the Interneuron project (Sep. 2019-Aug. 2022), funded by the EU-Interreg V Upper Rhine programme. The project involves a consortium of more than 20 partners of the Upper Rhine Valley of which Universities, research organisations, local authorities, clinics, private companies.

The Interneuron project aims at facilitating the transfer of know-how and technology, academic knowledge and skills between the academic, the clinical and the private sectors.

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The following actions will be implemented in the framework of the Interneuron project:

  • Fundamental/applied research workshops
    Those workshops will aim at facilitating the transfer of technological and scientific knowledge between companies and academic labs by involving startups in the biotech sector, in order to develop new therapeutic approaches and biomedical devices.
  • Fundamental/clinical practice workshops
    Workshops of this action will allow the transfer of knowledge from fundamental research to clinical practice.
  • Interdisciplinary workshops
    Those workshops will ensure the transfer of knowledge and technologies between the neurosciences and other fields of research (for instance cancerology or immunology).
  • Patents and licenses workshop
    Participants to that workshop will gain knowledge on the patents and licenses application processes, which constitute the ultimate step of a successful transfer or innovation. The trinational nature of this training will allow fruitful interactions and discussions on the possible differences between the procedures and regulations in France, Germany and Switzerland. Finally, pparticipants of academic labs will have the possibility to discuss their projects and receive a direct feedback on its potential feasibility. The workshop will be organised in collaboration with the technology transfer offices of the UniBas (Unitectra) and Unistra (SATT Conectus).
  • In situ sessions
    Visits in companies, laboratories and clinics will allow participants to interact and discuss the technological and clinical tools, the methodology and potential applications and foster future collaborations.
  • Round tables "unmet medical needs"
    The round tables "From Brain to Techside - Identification of unmet medical needs" aim at facilitating the transfer of knowledge between clinicians and the industry or the university. Healthcare professionals will thus bring crucial information regarding a disease, the current therapeutic approaches and the limitations that remain to be overcome.
  • Fellowships for doctoral candidates
    In partnership with the Medalis drug discovery center, Neurex will offer doctoral grants for two fellows working on collaborative projects between a Neurex lab and a Medalis group.
  • Outreach events
    The general public has demonstrated a growing interest for neuroscience over the last decade. Public events are held in order to inform the people about the research conducted in our laboratories. Such public events are organized throughout the year and particularly during the Brain Awareness Week.