of the Interreg V Interneuron project
Financing partners - political institutions
European Union - INTERREG V Upper Rhine Programme
The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. It takes place in the context of the "Competitiveness" and "European Territorial Cooperation" (INTERREG) objectives of the cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020. The European funds mobilised under the INTERREG V Upper Rhine Programme come exclusively from the European Regional Development Fund.
Swiss Confederation 
Under the New Regional Policy (NRP), the Federal Government supports border regions in coping with changes in economic structures. This includes improving hard and soft locational factors of a region as well as promoting innovation, the creation of value and competitiveness in a sustainable way. By supporting the Interneuron project, the Swiss confederation contributes to creating and maintaining jobs in the upper-Rhine valley and thus indirectly to evening out regional disparities.
Eurométropole de Strasbourg 

Today, economic competitiveness is increasingly a race to innovation, the success of which depends on several factors: the quality of skills training, the long-term supply of qualifications and the favourable environment for research. The transfer of technology and know-how as well as applied research at the highest level also play a crucial role. The Eurométropole supports the Interneuron program so as to contribute to the overall attractiveness of the territory in terms of knowledge and technology transfer.
Région Grand Est 

The Grand Est Region: cross-border by nature. With over 750 kilometres of borders running from Belgium to Switzerland via Luxembourg and Germany, and a long history of a wealth of close relations with these four countries, the Grand Est Region is geographically, historically, economically and strategically a naturally cross-border gateway to Europe, a situation that it is proud to assert and accepts as one of its major challenges. The number 1 border region in France, the Grand Est’s heart beats in the centre of Europe. Not only is Strasbourg, the regional capital, one of the 3 capitals of Europe, but the Grand Est is also at the crossroads of some of the most dynamic areas in Europe – From Benelux to Germany, not to mention Switzerland and beyond to Central and Eastern Europe.
Kanton Basel-Landschaft 
Canton Baselland is one of the most important centres for Switzerland’s pharmaceutical, chemical and capital goods industries. Basel-Landschaft and Basel-City form the core of a far-reaching economic region Basel Area which extends beyond the North-West of Switzerland and into French Alsace, the South Baden area in Germany and the Zurich business hub. This places Basel-Landschaft at the heart of a vibrant economic region.
Kanton Aargau 
The canton of Aargau supports the Interneuron project in its efforts to contribute to improving local conditions for business activities and promoting innovation, value creation and competitiveness in the upper-Rhine valley.
Département du Bas-Rhin 
The Conseil Départemental du Bas-Rhin is the territorial authority which administers the Bas-Rhin department. The public politics led by the Conseil Général promote actions which shape the future of Bas-Rhin, notably in the fields of social action, support for the economy and local development.
Département du Haut-Rhin 
The Department is the leading partner in social field and provides support to elderly and disabled people, children and their families and also manages social integration (active solidarity income). The Department is also in charge of secondary schools, departmental roads. It supports cultural development, sport initiatives, tourism and bilingualism.
Financing partners - research institutions
Universität Basel 

Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and has a history of success going back over 550 years. It has seven faculties covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines. At the same time, the university has positioned itself amidst the international competition in the form of five strategic focal areas: Life Sciences, Visual Studies, Nanosciences, Sustainability and Energy Research and European and Global Studies. The University of Basel has deep roots in the economically powerful and culturally rich Basel region. The university also works closely with domestic and international partners to make relevant contributions to the advancement of the sciences and society. This also means that the University of Basel pays particular attention to aspects of sustainability, equal opportunity and knowledge transfer.
Universität Freiburg - Bernstein Center Freiburg 
The Bernstein Center Freiburg is a central research facility for Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at the University of Freiburg. It was established in 2010 as the central scientific facility to coordinate computational neuroscience and neurotechnology research at the University of Freiburg. At the BCF we define computational neuroscience as the hypothesis driven research approach to unravel mechanisms of brain function and dysfunction using theory, simulation and experiment in a complementing, synergistic fashion.
Fondation pour la Recherche en Chimie - Médalis 

In a context where pharmaceutical companies outsource pre-clinical research activities to focus on clinical phase studies, Medalis is a fully integrated drug research centre. Medalis has four main lines of action: i) the search for drugs related to their scientific project, ii) the development of platforms providing the equipment adapted to their research, iii) technology transfer to the industrial world, iv) innovative training programs in drug research.
Université de Strasbourg 

The University of Strasbourg is a leading research institution with 72 research units which encompass all disciplinary fields. A centre of excellence in biology, biotechnology, medicine, chemistry and material physics, the University also actively participates in the development of social sciences and humanities. In addition, Strasbourg offers 60 international dual degrees in partnership with universities around the world. As a member of Eucor, it also gives its students the opportunity to complete binational or trinational courses at its Swiss and German partner universities (Karlsruhe, Basel and Freiburg-im-Breisgau). The university is committed to promoting student mobility and has many cooperation agreements with institutions in Europe and beyond.

Neurex is one of the most important European networks in the field of neuroscience, be it basic, fundamental or applied. Structured in 2001, it federates a hundred and ten laboratories and more than a thousand researchers within the universities of Strasbourg (France), Basel (Switzerland) and Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany).
Neurex is the initiator and coordinator of the ongoing Interneuron project.
Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel 

The University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) Basel are among the leading psychiatric clinics in Switzerland. As part of Basel-Stadt's public health system, they are responsible for providing high-quality psychiatric-psychotherapeutic care to adults, children and adolescents, regardless of diagnosis or reason for admission. Thanks to its proximity to the University of Basel, the UPK Basel is always up to date with the latest medical findings. It also develops new treatment methods themselves. It offers a wide range of diagnostics, treatment and care in inpatient, day-care, outpatient and outpatient settings. It works according to the principle "outpatient before inpatient". UPK Basel also provides highly specialised forensic services.
Biovalley France 

The BioValley France competitiveness cluster brings together and supports startups, SMEs, large groups, healthcare, research and training organisations in the Far East around the theme of health. Its mission is to bring out innovative projects, to stimulate the creation of new products/services and to support the development of companies. BioValley France is also involved in structuring projects in the health sector, such as the nextmed medical technology campus. Its action and skills contribute to the economic development of the territory and to regional innovation policies.
Universitätsklinikum - NeuroZentrum
The Neurocenter of the Medical Center – University of Freiburg is one of the most modern and advanced institutions of its kind in Europe. The center is based on the collaboration of specialists dealing with the diagnostics and conservative and surgical treatment of all diseases involving the nervous system. The Neurocenter offers the entire spectrum of services from diagnostics to conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system. There are special divisions for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, including targeted biopsy, the application of radiosurgical procedures and deep brain stimulation, as well as for the treatment of brain tumors, spinal, cranial base and cerebrovascular diseases, pain syndromes and epilepsy. They have extensive experience in novel immunomodulation inflammatory diseases (e.g. MS) and research-based rehabilitations.
Universitätsklinikum - Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Center for Mental Health, is considered one of Germany’s leading institutions in the fields of psychiatry, psychotherapy and neuropsychiatry, and offers the latest evidence-based treatment options for the entire spectrum of mental disorders. It consists of eight specialized divisions with 120 beds, a day clinic and a sleep laboratory. The department offers in- and outpatient as well as second opinion services.
CNRS - délégation Alsace
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
Ranked among the top French Hospitals and University Hospitals (CHU), the University Hospitals of Strasbourg are recognized for the quality of care provided, for the excellence of their research and for their dynamism in the initial and continuing training of health professionals in Alsace. The close collaboration between the University Hospitals of Strasbourg and the University of Strasbourg is an example in the national university hospital landscape.
associated partners
Cortec GmbH
CorTec is a limited liability company that was founded in Freiburg, Germany, in September 2010. We are thinking ahead, developing tomorrow’s neuroprosthetics technology today. Our great strength is that our technology is derived from one single thought – from the basic idea up to its subsequent therapeutic use. This way, we create innovations regarding therapy, rehabilitation, and assistive technologies.
SATT Conectus Alsace
SATT Conectus brings Alsatian public research laboratories and companies together to multiply the collaborations between these two worlds and thus boost French innovation. First SATT created in France in 2012, Conectus brings researchers' inventions to market and promotes all forms of collaboration between researchers and companies.
Axilum Robotics
Axilum Robotics is a spin-off company from the medical robotics research group of ICube (Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie), a Research Unit of the University of Strasbourg, CNRS, ENGEES and INSA. The Company intents to develop and commercialize robotic solutions to assist Health Care Professionals with medical procedures. The first project of Axilum Robotics is a robot to assist researchers and Health Care Professionals for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Axilum Robotics’ ambition is to become the global leader in robotic solutions for TMS.
Unitectra AG (Basel office)
Unitectra is the technology transfer organization of the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zurich. With its services, it supports scientists in their collaborations with private industry and other public or private research institutions. The transfer of research results into new products and services is fostered in collaboration with the scientists. The transfer occurs either in collaboration with established companies or through the creation of new spin-off companies.
GeneGuide is a Swiss company dedicated to the identification of novel drug targets and compounds for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. The company achieves this goal by combining our proprietary Genome-Based Drug Discovery technology with large-scale human behavioral, genetic and neuroimaging data. Promising drug candidates are tested in proof-of-concept (PoC) clinical trials.
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
The purpose of Idorsia is to discover, develop and bring more, innovative medicines to patients. In order to achieve this, we will develop Idorsia into one of Europe’s leading biopharmaceutical companies, with a strong scientific core. Located near Basel, Switzerland – a bona fide European biotech hub – Idorsia is specialized in the discovery and development of small molecules to provide innovative therapeutic possibilities.
associated NETWORK

Eucor – The European Campus is a unique trinational university alliance. In the heart of Europe, together we are building a scientific space with a clearly defined profile, without walls or borders, with an international reputation. Common structures, governance and strategy in research and teaching lay the foundations. In this fashion, we are becoming a European University.
The GNG is a virtual group established to provide a forum for psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, neurophysiologists, clinical neuroscientists and others interested in the field of neurosciences to share knowledge and to learn from each other. The aim of the group is to make neuropsychiatry accessible across the globe. Clinicians have an opportunity to discuss complex cases and share research ideas. The group is truly international. It has been active since 2021 and already has approximately 200 members from US, Canada, SA, UK, Germany, India, Australia and many more countries. Accordingly, it also enables an understanding of service provision and clinical practices in different countries around the world and opens the door for multinational research. In addition, mindful of the gap in training for neurology trainees in psychiatry and psychiatry trainees in neurology across the globe, this forum provides a source of education and a way of establishing networks not only with peers but also with senior clinicians and academics. Professionals interested in the interface between neurology and psychiatry are invited to join the Global Neuropsychiatry Group : more details here.