Neuro-research in Strasbourg
Laboratory of Cognitive & Adaptive Neurosciences (LNCA) - UMR 7364 CNRS UdS
Institute of Cellular and Integrative neuroscience (INCI) - UPR 3212 CNRS
UMR_S Inserm 1114 - Cognitive Neuropsychology & Physiopathology of Schizophrenia
UMR_S Inserm 1118 - Central & Peripheral mechanisms of neurodegeneration
UMR_S Inserm 1119 - Biopathology of myelin, neuroprotection & therapeutic strategies
Institute of genetics and of Molecular & Cellular Biology (IGBMC)- CNRS UMR 7104 - Inserm U 964
I CUBE: lab. of engineer sciences, computing & imaging
Laboratoire de neurobiologie et pharmacologie cardiovasculaire (LNPCV) - EA 7296
Neuroimmunology & peptide therapy - UMR 7242
Biotechnology & Cell signalling – UMR 7242
Physiopathology & molecular epidemiology of rare genetic syndroms - Avenir team
Centre des Troubles du sommeil (CIRCSOM)
Circle of Excellence on Psychosis (CEP)
LNCA - UMR 7364 CNRS UdS- Center of Primatology
Centre of non Invasive neuro-Modulation of Strasbourg (CEMNIS)
Center of Neurocognitive & Neurophysiological Investigations (CI2N)
Institut Clinique de la souris - Mouse Clinic Institute (iCS)
In vivo Imaging Platform Strasbourg
In vitro Imaging Platform Strasbourg