
EnvironMENTAL project: first seminar

April 8, 2022

Online (Online)


environMENTAL Seminar 1: Identification of adverse environmental signatures and their effect on brain and behaviour


This seminar is part of a series of 5 events. The next 4 seminars are planed as follows:

Seminar 2: Characterization of molecular, neurobiological and cognitive mechanisms underlying the brain and behavioural changes related to environmental adversity
Friday, 22. April 2022; 10.00h to 13.00h CET, 17.00h to 22.00h Chinese time.
Organizer: Sylvane Desrivieres, KCL

Seminar 3: Establishment of quantitative neurobiological biomarkers for prediction and stratification of environmentally-related mental illness
Monday, 23. May 2022; 9.00h to 12.00h CET, 16.00h to 21.00h Chinese time.
Organizer: Andre Marquand, Donders Institute

Seminar 4: Development of pharmacological, cognitive and educational interventions targeting molecular and neurobiological mechanisms of environmentally-sensitive symptoms of mental illness.
Friday, 24. June 2022; 9.00h to 12.00h CET, 16.00h to 21.00h Chinese time.
Organizer: Peter Sommer, KsiLink

Seminar 5: Establishing a programme of responsible research and innovation
Tuesday, 5 July from 9.00 to 13.00h CET 05 July from 9.00h to 13.00h CET, 16.00h to 22.00h Chinese time.
Organizer: Bernd Carsten Stahl, DMU