

November 17, 2023

Strasbourg (France)



10:30 Welcome address, Vincent Lelievre PhD, HDR PR Université de Strasbourg, CNRS UPR3212

11:00 Meggane Melchior, PhD, MCF Université de Strasbourg, LNCA "Early life stress consequences on pain responses and behavior


14:00 Yossan-Var Tan PhD, HDR, MCF Université de Rouen, Inserm U905, “Role of P2X7 receptors in the interaction between the immune, nervous and gastrointestinal systems : AAVnano technology and mouse models

14:45* Juliette Van Steenwinckel, PhD, NeuroDiderot UMR 1141 INSERM-Paris 7, Hôpital Robert debré « Neonatal Inflammation imbalances immune and developmental populations of microglia leading to neurodevelopmental disorders »

15:30 Coffee Break

15:45* Jean Eric Ghia PhD, HDR, PR , University of Manitoba, Canada “Brain gut axis in gut inflammation: From cutting to stimulating

16:30* Renée N. Douville, PhD, PR, University of Manitoba, Canada « Antivirals for ALS »

17:45 Acknowledgment


* online presentation, which can be followed at : (connect just by following the link)


Date: Nov 17th, 2023

Venue :

Conference room

Centre de Neurochimie

8 allée du Général Rouvillois



The online presentation can be followed at : (nothing special to do to connect just follow the link)