Blanc Frédéric
I CUBE: lab. of engineer sciences, computing & imaging
Strasbourg (France)
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Lewy Body disease
- Disorders & injury of the NS Movement disorders Lewy Body disease
- Disorders & injury of the NS Memory Disorders Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias
- Disorders & injury of the NS Memory Disorders memory defects in MS
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Biomarkers, imaging techniques & diagnosis
- Integrative Physiology and behaviour Brain Blood Flow, Metabolism & CSF CSF in NS physiology & pathology
- Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation Cognition, Learning & memory in humans Human learning & memory deficits