Volker Arnd Coenen & Maté Döbrössy

Freiburg (Germany)
- Disorders & injury of the NS Mood, affect & other psychiatric Disorders Depression & Mood disorders
- Motor systems Basal Ganglia disorders Parkinson's disease
- Disorders & injury of the NS Movement disorders Parkinson's disease
- Motor systems Basal Ganglia/dopaminergic pathways Dopaminergic pathways: physiology
- Technical platforms & competences Diagnosis - Therapy in neuropsychiatry
- Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation Disorders Depression & Mood disorders
- Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation Motivation & Emotions Emotions
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Huntington's disease
- Neuronal excitability, synaptic activity, plasticity & neuronal networks Neurotransmitters, Signaling Molecules & pathways Monoamines - DA, NA & 5-HT
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Huntington's disease