Mensah-Nyagan Guy-Ayioké

UMR_S Inserm 1119 - Biopathology of myelin, neuroprotection & therapeutic strategies
Strasbourg (France)
- Development Stem cells, Neurogenesis, neuroprotection & Brain repair Neuroprotection & Brain Repair
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neuropathies Peripheral neuropathy / Chemotherapy induced
- Disorders & injury of the NS Motor & Neuromuscular Diseases Peripheral neuropathy / Chemotherapy induced
- Memory, Cognition, Emotions & Motivation Disorders Dementias & Alzheimer's Disease
- Disorders & injury of the NS Memory Disorders Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias
- Disorders & injury of the NS Demyelinating disorders Dysmyelinating jimpy model
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurotoxic & neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms Neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms
- Neuroinflammatory, neurotoxic & neurodegenerative mechanisms Neurotoxic & neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms Cell death mechanisms
- Integrative Physiology and behaviour Neuroendocrinology Neurosteroids
- Disorders & injury of the NS Demyelinating disorders Demyelinating Peripheral neuropathy/Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Oligodendrocytes involvement in myelination, neuroprotection & diseases
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Glia in NS disorders Glia in demyelinating disease
- Sensory systems Sensory Disorders Somatosensory disorders and pain
- Disorders & injury of the NS Motor & Neuromuscular Diseases Peripheral neuropathy / Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating