Pecho-Vrieseling Eline
Department Biomedicine (DBM)- Institute of Anatomy
Basel (Switzerland)
- Neuroinflammatory, neurotoxic & neurodegenerative mechanisms Neurotoxic & neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms Cell death mechanisms
- Motor systems Basal Ganglia disorders Huntington's disease
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Protein misfolding diseases
- Neuroinflammatory, neurotoxic & neurodegenerative mechanisms Neurotoxic & neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms Cell death mechanisms
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurodegenerative disorders Huntington's disease
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Glia in NS disorders Glia in neurodegeneration & neuroinflammation
- Disorders & injury of the NS Neurotoxic & neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms Neurodegenerative processes - Cell death mechanisms
- Glia: cell types & roles in the NS Astrocytes Neuron-astrocyte interactions