
Sleep and insomnia : relevance for mental health/illness

February 23, 2021

Freiburg (Virtual) (Germany)


Sleep disorders are observed in association to psychopathology, and there is indeed a link between insomnia and depression. A workshop will explore the mechanisms underlying such links, assessing the role of emotion regulations, and the involvement of synaptic plasticity and REM sleep in this association.


14:00. Welcome & opening

14:05-14:50: Dieter Riemann (Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany)

The bi-directional relationships between insomnia and depression

14:50-15:35: Chiara Baglioni (University Guglielmo Marconi, Roma, Italy & Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany)

Emotion regulation in insomnia - the link to psychopathology?

15:35-15:45: break

15:45-16:30: Bernd Feige (Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany)

The role of REM sleep instability in connecting insomnia and depression

16:30-17:15: Christoph Nissen (University Psychiatric Services Bern, Switzerland)

Synaptic plasticity - a potential mechanism of sleep-psychopathology associations


Tuesday, the 23rd of February 2021



Zoom event:

You have to register in order to participate in this event.

The link to the zoom event will be sent to registered people the day before the workshop.


Registration dead-line: Feb 21st, 2021.


Neurex workshops are part of the cycle B5 of the University of Basel. They allow students to gain Credit Points from attending workshops/meetings.

This specific workshop will give rise to the attribution of 1/2 CP.

Important: Full rules & how to proceed available here.