A new Interreg Project: Interneuron (2019-2022)

The transborder project - called Interneuron – submitted by Neurex last Spring in the framework of the final phase of the Interreg V program was funded by the Interreg authorities end of June.
This project aims at supporting the transfer of knowledge and technology between all proponents of a value chain in neuroscience that goes from the bench to the bedside, through the development of therapies in the field of neurology & psychiatry.
This project involves academic laboratories, but also private companies, as well as clinicians and health professionals. The rationale behind is to increase the feedback between all these protagonists for an integrated view of neuro-disorders.
If the Interneuron project includes some scientific workshops and meetings, necessary for cutting-edge research, it will also devote some innovative actions to the transfer of knowledge with clinicians and companies. Among others, an active participation of hospitals and clinics will materialize this networking process. The involvement of the Drug Discovery Center Medalis (Strasbourg) will provide its expertise in the field of applied research.
Partnerships have been signed with the companies Idorsia (Basel), Geneguide (Basel), Cortec (Freiburg) and Axilum Robotics (Strasbourg), as well as with the platforms of transfer of technology UniTectra (Basel) and SATT Conectus (Strasbourg), for an improved sharing of expertise.
What best than the old Indian parabol of the elephant and the six blind men to illustrate the importance of communication between biomedical research partners ?
In the Interneuron events, researchers, clinicians and representatives from companies will face off their views & expertise : a step towards better identifying the very nature of the elephant ?
We would like to express our deep gratefulness to all the partners (listed below) which support this project.
Special thanks to:
Program Interreg V Upper Rhine «Transcending borders with every project»
Médalis, BioValley France, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, Région Grand Est, Département du Bas-Rhin, Département du Haut-Rhin, Eurométropole Strasbourg, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg,
Bernstein Center Freiburg, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Freiburg, Neurozentrum Freiburg, Universität Freiburg,
Universität Basel, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel, Kanton Aargau, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Confédération suisse.